Colonization and Resistance: Power, Knowing, and Religion in the Atlantic.

An essay dissecting the complexities of European colonialism in the Atlantic world, drawing from numerous secondary sources and academic essays to argue that contemporary understandings of European colonization are often monolithic in scope and overlook various cultural, political, spiritual, and geographic factors. I specifically point out nuances in the role of religion as it pertained to both the European and West African experience with colonization in the Atlantic. Read the full document here.

Exploring the Feminine Experience of Body and Space in a Patriarchal Society.

I explore notions of consciousness and existence in both concrete physical and abstract spiritual forms, specifically relating to the feminine bodily experience in a society governed by patriarchal norms. Read the full document here.

Advertising Went Social: Millennial's Attitudes Towards and Exposure to Advertising on Instagram

A research paper I wrote alongside faculty from DePaul University and Michigan State University exploring millenial's perceptions of Instagram as a platform for showcasing products, evaluations of in-platform product placement and ads, and the role of peer influence in product assessment. Read the full study here.